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Signed Up March 14, 2017
Last Posted January 4, 2024 at 10:51 AM
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#3 RCADIA Fortress TF2 Community LAN in News
marsAre people really still calling it "eSports"?

the tftv newsroom is at each other throats everytime this get brought up so we decided to find consensus and use the term "Electronic Sporting" from now on

posted about a year ago
#3 2038 are dreaming of a bright future in News

Look it was when I wrote the article okay

posted about a year ago
#12 The League Of Shadows- RCADIA lan fundraiser in LAN Discussion
flickharishawara in a maid costume what the fuck how did u get so lowAfter much deliberation we have decided that it might be fucked up and we dont want to go that low. As a result we will be trying to think of other goals and will take any suggestions into consideration.

fridge cosplay

posted about a year ago
#3 ETF2L Autumn '22 Premiership Qualifiers in News
rivkaHemp truly did have some impressive performances last season with BOOBPANZER

I swear there's a good reason as to why my spellcheck decided this was a word

posted about a year ago

can someone post the shut the fuck up clip again ?

posted about a year ago
#23 i69 closing/thank you thread in LAN Discussion

shoutout to kay's good cooking (temrane, Theseus, Scarlet, Solar, deere) for a super fun and chill time, it was lovely.
shoutout to Jmaxchill and JWB for being my cool writer buddies
shoutout to xypher (Acecle, lilcute, coyo, DigyB, Nintails, Ascend), was nice finally meeting some of you and seeing the rest again
shoutout to Enzo for helping me speak with xypher (-coyo) on day one when they were still afraid of me
shoutout to Cosmo for helping to carry on the Porg e-Sports legacy by wearing matching pants with me for the whole LAN
shoutout to all production staff that I barely got to see because they had jobs to do, you all make the dream work (also I think there should be like an opposite day where you get to play while being produced by prem people, that way we can hang out)
shoutout to the casters that I got to see a bit more, you're also very important and you all looked great on screen
double shout out to turbotabs for buying me lunch, truly turbodad
BIG shoutout to lawjr for managing to play a map on my PC, im sorry it crashes when people get married in game
Shoutout to the "ex-Prem" players that were all so nice to talk to : Piggles (with the wide smile), Crayon, mak, Grenja.
shoutout to SVIFT danny and sneaky the cat, hope to see you both at next LAN
shoutout to Matek, Shaddowdude, Chez, Assassin+ and Dejvi (+Matek's date) for taking me home to their airbnb so I could watch the Arsenal game, I ended up staying 18 hours, the food was delicious and it was a ton of fun.
shoutout to Akio for lending me her blåhaj so that I could fake a tinder profile picture
shoutout to kuno for giving the tightest hugs possible on top of being certified cool
shoutout to Lukas/Thompson for still being all around great, now with epic hair to boot !
shoutout to McV and doggos, we didnt speak too much but its always cool to see good old gaming clans
shoutout to the people I met and said goodbye to at 5 am on the last day (Josh, Faust, Gazy, morale, Lux, jun0, the "krokit gang", Toast, nas boii who was so nice)
angry shoutout to zhern for dodging me despite going to my row to take creepshots of computers
shoutout everyone else i couldnt make fit in one category : mulaa, Domo, habib, Pitts, Rahmed, Not Steven, DCS, Samus, nhaaj, marten, yohn, apolo, tobi, croc, condawg, charlie, BeaverN, CeeJaey, Storm, kindred, Connie, Kireek, Jortand, Kireek's polish friend who brought sweets (Im not good with names sorry), oJ and anyone else I forgot.
also shoutout to the mysterious uWu bandit who left a bunch of notes saying that on my PC. I will find you.

You all make LAN special

posted about a year ago
#11 TF2 LAN EVENT IN GERMANY, 25.-27-11.2022 in LAN Discussion

gonna try to cu@

posted about a year ago
#28 TF2 update for 6/21/22 (6/22/22 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Anyone getting strange deathcam freezes or is it just me ?

posted about a year ago
#6857 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Anyone has an idea as to why I don't have a timer (neither round nor map time) on 5cp maps ? I have timers on koth and pl so I'm a bit puzzled. Using the matchhud that leth made, foster's scoreboard and toonhud, could any of those collide ?

posted about 2 years ago
#20 is looking for new talent for 2022! in TF2 General Discussion

bumping this, im washed up and dempsey is working like 3 jobs so we're solely relying on numbers boy Jmaxchill to write about this season. If you somewhat follow EU and would be interested in writing, feel free to hit me up at Aelkyr#8581. No previous experience required but we'll probably make you do a sample article (on the topic of your choice).

Perks of the job

  • Flexible hours
  • We have experienced editors looking over everything so we're not gonna throw you off the deep end + it can be a nice way to improve your writing skills
  • Looks nice on a resume
  • Fun working environement (access to a meme channel, everyone is pretty chill...)
  • enigma only demands half a liter of your blood now

Starting wage : no
(we might be able to get press passes for insomnia so if you were planning on attending but not playing you could save some money but I really can't promise anything so don't join solely for that)

posted about 2 years ago
#16 Insomnia 69 (26-29th August 2022) in LAN Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#25 Let's talk about the Unity ruleset in TF2 General Discussion
mattttboth our upper page playoffs and grand finals this season were pretty much decided by the winning team stalemating on gullywash 4th

Yeah that one's on me, I only watch Europe and sometimes NA my bad. I don't know if you're arguing for anything particular, but im in a typing mood again and so I figured I'd use this post to talk a bit about the dreaded "Se7en stalemate".

5CP in TF2 does have this problem : there's just no real incentive for a team in the lead to push since they're already winning. I don't even think that changing the round timer solves that issue seeing how nothing stops a team from letting the clock run all the way down and go stalemate on their second again instead of going to mid apart from the unspoken agreement that people will usually show up to mid. WInlimit 5 also doesn't fix this directly, it simply assumes that a winning team will want to close out the map before the timer runs out.

So, how do we fix this ? From a mid player POV, my answer would be to say : we don't do anything apart from lowering the round timer to like 7:30 (5 is probably fine for most if it, it's about the few edge cases in the original post lik Granary yard and failed push outs) because I think breaking a stalemate is something interesting that can really test your team synergy and mechanics, and because I think it's more of a crutch than a really optimal way to play the game.

But you're here and you're a prem player telling me that people are still having issues breaking them in the top level in current year, so clearly it's not as simple as it seems and the few stalemates I encountered were of a lower quality.

I'm willing to admit that I don't really know then, but I will say that I still think lowering the round timer to anything below 5 is not a good solution for me, as it effectively forces everyone to adopt a fast paced playstyle to solve a problem that (unless Australia is massively different) doesn't exactly pop up every day. There is nothing stopping you from playing fast with the current system, b4nny has been going balls to the walls for as long as I can recall and it worked, but I think forcing everyone to emulate that no matter their div or will is too drastic of a measure.

posted about 2 years ago
#22 Let's talk about the Unity ruleset in TF2 General Discussion
det-gigantic fucking nerd essay aside I feel like banners are a mildly interesting thing that comes out of a moderately negative thing (which are stalemates)
like yeah the game does become slightly more interesting when a team gets a banner but highkey I'd rather just see the round reset and watch a midfight than watch a team fuck around with less than half of an ubercharge

Small aside but I think banners are a lot more interesting outside of stalemates cause they charge faster and can be used in fights that aren't always big team trades, its more than gunboats are so fucking good outside of stalemates so they only see use there.

About the game being more interesting with round resets and new midfights, I can see where you're coming from but I don't fully agree. First off, delibaretly waiting for a round reset is the most boring kind of stalemate by far imo, sure it'll be shorter overall but I find it more stimulating to have "active" stalemates where a team is trying to do things than seeing people watching paint dry for 4 minutes.

I also think that midfights don't need to have more importance in today's game. I'm about to say some negative stuff about them (and possibly look like a noob in the process), so let me start by saying that I think mids are completely fine right now, they're an iconic part of tf2, trying to outsmart your opponent is really fun and they're a good way to show off cool jumps.

I love TF2 (on top of all the other reasons) because for me it's a game with both complex team fights where teams have to make on the fly decisions and can come down to very fine margins, and more solo plays, almost always still supported by the rest of the team, but where one or two players are the focal point of an action. Midfights are usually more team based than solo based, and that's completely fine, but forgoing opportunities to go behind, sac, offclass or try something wacky in favor of just having more mids until one med survives and not the other (otherwise you'd just stalemate again right) is a bit of a shame, especially as I think that midfights are not even the best type of team fights. I don't think it's very noticeable now because people play like 4-5 midfights a map at most but if you played more of them, some of their inflexibility would become apparent imo : losing your demo to a fast bomb or a scout to spam in the early stages usually means you should bomb your sollies and leave, your scouts will probably ave to stay on the beam for most of it, and on a majority of maps your soldiers will at some point bomb in and die. What I'm trying to say is that repeating midfights over and over doesn't seem like the most fun interaction to me either.

posted about 2 years ago
#21 Let's talk about the Unity ruleset in TF2 General Discussion
YeeHawwhen's the last time a prem match went 5-6 or higher?

You're right, it is an uncommon occurence, the last time that I could find it happening in Europe was during season 32, so 4 years ago. For me that's not the point though, my point is that I simply don't see garbage time as an issue that needed another fix apart from the concede plugin, so winlimit 5 just to "fix" garbage time seems unecessary.

Simply looking at comebacks that actually happened doesn't paint the whole story either, having a game end at 5-3 with 8 minutes left just felt super lame as a spectator and will probably feel even worse as a player. You could make the point that it'd also feel lame to have a team run the clock down against you but : A. winlimit 5 doesn't do anything to change that and B. as shinso points out, it would also cut down the number of options available to losing teams, seeing as their doom is always around the corner.

posted about 2 years ago
#3 Let's talk about the Unity ruleset in TF2 General Discussion

Part 2 : Upcoming issues

So yeah, while I think that those changes are pretty low impact (especially timelimit 5), I do think that they bring a bunch of annoying possibilities and that this should make us reconsider their implementation.

-the round timer does not necessarily represent if a game is slow or not. There can be a lot of action without a point changing hands, like Team A failing their last push, followed by team B aborting their push out as it took too long, and now team A has to push with 2:30 on the clock, which effectively nerfs stuff like Spy or Banners

-A shorter roundtimer will fuck up Granary’s unique yard gameplay a little bit. I know some (most ?) people dislike the map but I personally enjoy it so it gets on there.

-Short roundtimer could also ultimately slow the game down by having teams play for the clock more now that the round reset is more reachable, something that already happened in the cup. This creates the most boring type of stalemate, as a team trying this will have no interest in any risky plays like sacs or maybe even sniper. We might even see the opposing team opting not to all in before the clock ends as they might fancy their chance at another mid compared to the enemy pushing into Mid with ad should they not manage to get on their med, so we could see two teams not doing anything.

-Winlimit 5 removes garbage time sure, but it also makes close games end earlier. During Rewind 2 Grand Finals, the second map ended 5-3 with 7.30 on the clock. Ascent had already clawed back 3 rounds in 5 minutes, they could have done it again, but no the game just ends. I don’t know about you but I’d rather have garbage time and close games last the whole 30 than the opposite.

-It doesn’t look like continuous overtime will be here to stay, but if it were I’d argue the concept ends up helping out good teams more and would limit upset potential : If I’m playing a team that I know we should beat easily, but we’ve had difficulties getting into the game and it’s now 2-3 with a few minutes left, I know we don’t have to take more risks than needed because the timer is infinite. There’s still a risk on midfights and such of course, but compare and contrast with today’s system where the team losing has to take more risks as the time goes on and I think that this is more fair to a “worse” team who managed to held a narrow lead.

I’d like to conclude by saying that I didn’t write this post to shit on the people proposing new things, as botmode said a few months ago, we’ve been playing this game for so long that there are a lot of things we just accept without thinking about and its always nice to see people try out new things. I just thought there was a lot left to improve on the format and didn’t really see anyone else mention the things I was talking about. I am curious to hear other opinions on the topic, especially since im just a Mid player and lack a perspective on what its like to play the game at a high level.

Oh god its 730 am

posted about 2 years ago
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